How to use matrices to represent and manipulate data?
How do you interpret the correlation coefficient of a linear fit?
How do you muliply matrices by scalars?
What is correlation?
What is causation
How do you distingush between correlation and causation?
What Are The Different Types of Data?
How do you add matrices of appropriate dimensions?
How do you subtract matrices of appropriate dimensions?
How do you multiply matrices of appropriate dimensions?
Why is matrix multiplication not a commutative operation?
How do you decide if simulated data is statistically significant?
What is the role of the zero and the identity matrices in matrix addition and multiplication?
When do you use sample surveys, experiments and observational studies?
What are the different purposes of sample surveys, experiments and observational data?
How do you multiply a vector by a matrix?
How can you use data from a sample survey to estimate a population mean or proportion?
Relative Frequency and the Law of Large Numbers
Work with 2 × 2 matrices as a transformations of the plane, and interpret the absolute value of the determinant in terms of area.