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What Does the Complex Plane Mean?

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Real numbers can be visualized as points along a number line. Since all complex numbers can be written as a sum of a real number and an imaginary number, it is necessary to have both a real and an imaginary number line to visualize complex numbers. If the number lines are inserted into a coordinate system, you can visualize complex numbers in the complex plane.


The Complex Plane

The complex plane is spanned by two axes. The horizontal axis is called the real axis. The vertical axis is called the imaginary axis. You find all real numbers along the real axis. Imaginary numbers are placed along the imaginary axis. The cornerstone of the imaginary axis is the imaginary unit i.

The complex plane.

Example 1

Place the numbers z = 2 and w = 5 2i in the complex plane

The complex plane with two numbers inserted.

You can think of a complex number z as a vector or a point within the complex plane. By writing the number z in Cartesian form, z = a + bi, it is easy to place the number in the complex plane. The real part of z tells you where z lies along the real axis. You can therefore think about the real part as the first coordinate of z. Correspondingly, the imaginary part tells you where z lies along the complex axis, and can be thought of as the second coordinate of z. The complex number z can therefore be assigned the coordinates (a,b) in the complex plane.

Example 2

Place the number z = 2 + 3i in the complex plane

Here you have Re (z) = 2 and Im (z) = 3. The number can therefore be visualized as a vector from the origin to the point (2, 3).

The complex plane with the number z = 2 + 3i inserted.

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