General Rules of IntegrationМеню1Integral of the Sum of FunctionsHow Do You Find the Integral of the Sum of Functions?In this video you learn how to integrate the sum of functions. 0%∫[f(x)+g(x)]dx=∫f(x)dx+∫g(x)dxГотовоПродовжитиНабір завдань 12Difference of FunctionsНабір завдань 13Integral of a Constant Times a FunctionНабір завдань 14Битва з босом
How Do You Find the Integral of the Sum of Functions?In this video you learn how to integrate the sum of functions. 0%∫[f(x)+g(x)]dx=∫f(x)dx+∫g(x)dxГотовоПродовжити