Single TrialМеню1Uniform DistributionНабір завдань 12Probability of Uniform DistributionНабір завдань 13Sum of the ProbabilitiesНабір завдань 14Outcome, Sample Space and EventUnionНабір завдань 15IntersectionНабір завдань 16Venn DiagramНабір завдань 17Complementary EventsНабір завдань 1Find the complementary event. Select the correct option.You have four balls.S = {red, blue, green, pink}The event of getting a red, green and pink isO = {red, green, pink}What is the complementary event?O={blue}O={green, blue}ПеревіритиСкинутиПродовжити8Probability Complementary EventНабір завдань 19Disjoint EventsНабір завдань 110Битва з босом
Find the complementary event. Select the correct option.You have four balls.S = {red, blue, green, pink}The event of getting a red, green and pink isO = {red, green, pink}What is the complementary event?O={blue}O={green, blue}ПеревіритиСкинутиПродовжити