Why Should You Learn About Planar Figures?
What Are Lines, Line Segments and Rays?
What Are Edges, Vertices and Angles?
What Are Acute, Obtuse and Right Angles?
What Is a Circle?
How Do You Calculate the Length of a Circular Arc?
What Is the Area of a Circular Sector?
How do you use a protractor?
How do you solve addition problems to find unknown angles?
How do you solve subtraction problems to find unknown angles?
What is a point and a line segment?
How to construct two parallel lines?
Steps to construct a parallel line through a point
Constructing a 90°, 45° or 22.5° Angle
Constructing a 60°, 30° or 15° Angle
What Is a Triangle?
What Is the Angle Sum of a Triangle?
What Are Acute, Obtuse and Right Triangles?