Recursive and Explicit Formulas for Sequences
How do you use arithmetic operations to model a relationship between two quantities?
How do you translate between recursive and explicit formula for arithmetic sequences?
How do you translate between recursive and explicit formula for geometric sequences?
How do you find the inverse of a linear function?
How do you distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and exponential functions?
How do you prove that linear functions grow by equal difference over equal intervals?
How do you prove that exponential functions grow by equal factors over equal intervals?
How do you recognize situations in which one quantity changes at a constant rate relative to another?
How do you recognize situations in which one quantity changes by a constant percent relative to another?
How do you make a linear function which includes an arithmetic or geometric sequence?
How do you make an exponential function which includes an arithmetic or geometric sequence?
How can you use a graph to show that a exponential growth eventually will exceed linear, quadratic or polynomial growth?