Expected Values

Find the expected payoff of a game
Use probability in everyday decisions

Equations and Inequalities

Represent a system of equations as a matrix

Trigonometric Functions

Understand the unit circle
Extend the domain of trigonometric functions using the unit circle.
Model periodic phenomena with trigonometric functions.
Model periodic phenomena with trigonometric functions.
Prove and apply trigonometric identities.

Types of Functions

Compose functions
Read values of an inverse of a function
Build new functions from existing functions.
Relationship between exponents and logarithms


Understanding vectors
Represent and model with vector quantities.
Solve problems involving velocity
Adding vectors
Represent and model with vector quantities.
Finding the magnitude of a vector
Subtracting vectors
Understanding scalar multiplication graphically
Computing magnitude and direction


Understanding matrices
Multiplying matrices by scalars
Performing operations on matrices
Understanding that multiplication of matrices are not commutative
The zero and the identity matrices
Multiply a vector by a matrice
2x2 matrices as transformations of the plane


General Formula for Area of A Triangle
The law of sines
Use the law of sines in right triangles


Parabolas and Ellipses

Derive the equation of a ellipse and a hyperbola


Use volume formulas to solve problems

Expected Values

Define a random variable in a sample space
Calculate the expected value of a random variable
Probability distribution for a random variable
Develop a probability distribution for a random variable
Understand how to weigh the possible outcomes of a sample space
Use probability in fair desicions
Analyze decisions and strategies using probability concepts