
What Is Euler's Number e?

We are now going to look at the number e. e is a very special number that shows up in many different applications in a variety of subjects, everything from nature to economics.

The number e is an irrational number, which means that it can not be written as a fraction. The number is named after one of the most fascinating people in history, Leonhard Euler (1707–1783); it is called Euler’s number. Another name used for the number e is the natural number.

In the box below you will see the definition of the number e. There are some new expressions as well, like lim t0. You call this type of expression a limit, and it’s read as “the limit as t approaches 0”.

You need limit values when you look at values that are infinitely small or large, because they are impossible to calculate with non-quantitative numbers. You can think of the expression in the box as “what happens to (1 + t) 1 t when t becomes infinitely small?” The answer is that the expression becomes e 2.718281828.


The Number e

The number e is defined as

e = lim t0 (1 + t)1 t 2.718281828
