
How to Do Perspective Drawing with Two Vanishing Points

When drawing with perspective, you’re attempting to create a realistic depiction of reality. In this entry, you’ll find instructions on how to draw perspective drawings when you have two vanishing points, from two different perspectives.

To draw a perspective drawing you need a horizon line, help lines, and vanishing points. The horizon line is always a level line at eye height. Help lines are lines that help you find the points you need to make the drawing. These are erased when the drawing is finished. Lines that are parallel in real life will be oblique and meet at a point in a perspective drawing. This point, we call the vanishing point. There can be several vanishing points in the same drawing.

You can decide the perspective of the drawing by setting the view above, directly at, or below the horizon line. When drawing with perspective, it’s important to use three different colors to keep track of all the different kinds of lines.


The Different Points of View

Eye-Level View:

The perspective is of the same height as the horizon line. You look right at the objects.

Bird’s Eye View:

The perspective is from above the horizon line. You look down at the objects.

Worm’s Eye View:

The perspective is from below the horizon line. You look up at the objects.

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