Here, you will learn to draw perspective drawings, with one vanishing point, with a bird’s eye view. To see something from a bird’s eye view means to see something from above, as if you were a bird.
Below, you’ll see images that illustrates the steps you need to follow to draw like this.
It’s smart to pull out a piece of paper and try for yourself as you follow these instructions. Use different colors if you have them. Once you’ve succeeded, try to do it again without the help of this guide.
How to Draw in Bird’s Eye Perspective
- 1.
- Draw a horizon line slightly above the middle of your paper.
- 2.
- Draw a vanishing point on this horizon line. You draw it as a dot somewhere on the line.
- 3.
- Draw a rectangle below the horizon line.
- 4.
- Draw straight lines from the corners of the rectangle to the vanishing point.
- 5.
- Draw another rectangle above the first rectangle you drew. The second rectangle needs to be smaller than the first one, and the corners need to touch the straight lines you drew from the corners of the big rectangle.
- 6.
- To embolden the box you’ve drawn, you thicken the lines of the box. The line segments you want to thicken are those that run between the corners of the two rectangles and those that run between the corners in the same rectangles.
Steps 1, 2 and 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6: