Statistics and Probability
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In order for measurements involving statistics to be approved, they must follow special procedures. This is to ensure that the information is as accurate as possible. If everyone could choose their own approach, it would be impossible to compare different statistical surveys and analyses. So it is necessary to be consistent.
Statistical Survey
You need to formulate specific research questions to be examined.
This questions need to be clear and concise. They must be neutral and perceived equally by all.
The questions must have a limited number of answer options, so that you get information that is possible to work with.
You must have a representative sample. This means that you have to ask people whose composition represents the whole group you’re studying.
The information must be sorted, preferably in a table.
Finally, you need to choose the right method to display the result. You can do this using charts, central tendency and measure of dispersion.
There are many ways to present statistics—which method you use is dependent on the data you have gathered. It is of the utmost importance that your presentation gives an accurate image of the information you have gathered.
Representative Sample
A representative sample is a test sample which represents the group you are going to investigate. Gender, age, religion, political beliefs, geography, and other factors should be taken into account. The selection of the sample from the larger group should also be random.
Think About This
Be Critical of Sources
Not everything you read is true. Every day there are errors in newspapers, magazines and articles. They may be genuine mistakes on the part of the author or journalist, or it may be that the source has intentionally presented data that is incorrect.
Below is a list of things to keep in mind, so that you maintain a critical view of sources of information:
Who is behind the information? Might they have an ulterior motive for publicizing the issue?
Does the author or company behind the information gain an advantage by presenting the data in the way they chose?
If there is a graphical representation (chart) of the data, are the axes adjusted so that the data looks different than it otherwise would?
Have a critical mind, and also, accept it when your opinion has been disproved!