Statistics and Probability

What Are Dependent and Independent Events in Math?

Events are independent of each other if one event doesn’t affect the probability of the other event occurring. To find out whether the events A and B are independent of each other or not, you have to check whether the probability of A changes when you already know that B has occurred. This probability is written P (AB), and is read as “the probability of A given B”, where the vertical bar between A and B is the sign that means “given”.



When A and B are independent events, we have that

P (AB) = P (A)


P (A B) = P (A) P (B)



If A and B are events that depend on each other, we have that

P (AB)P (A)


P (A B) = P (AB) P (B)

The set A B in the boxes above is called the intersection of A and B, and the probability P(A B) is found through the chain rule.

Example 1

Decide whether the two events are independent when you know that

P (smoking) = 0.15, P (lung cancer) = 0.00002, P (lung cancersmoking) = 0.00006.

In this case you can simply check whether P (AB) = P (A), where A = lung cancer and B = smoking. If it is, the events are independent of each other:

= P (lung cancersmoking) = 0.00006 0.00002 = P (lung cancer)

P (lung cancersmoking) = 0.00006 0.00002 = P (lung cancer)

Because you got an inequality instead of an equation, you know the events are dependent on each other, which would mean that smoking and getting lung cancer are events that are dependent on each other.

Note! The numbers in this example are made up!

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