Fractions and percentages are closely related—both express a part of a whole. Here, you will learn how to convert fractions and decimal numbers to percentages, and back.
and to find the decimal number you simply calculate .
In fact, you can change the percentage symbol to a regular number with the fraction in your calculations. Since we’re discussing parts in one hundred, you can write your percentage as a decimal number by using the tenths and hundredths place values. You can do it like this:
Example 1
Write both as a fraction and a decimal number.
Example 2
Write both as a fraction and a decimal number.
You’re now going to learn how to go the other way, from fractions and decimal numbers to percentages. You can always change the fraction to a percentage symbol %. If you have more than %, your decimal number will be larger than . Your goal is to make sure that your denominator is . You will often have to expand or simplify your fraction.
Example 3
Write both as a fraction and a percentage.
Example 4
Write both as a decimal number and a percentage.
Example 5
Write both as a fraction and a percentage.